Kōpinga Marae was opened in January 2005 and is a base for all Moriori on Rekohu and a welcoming, peaceful place for visitors to experience manawareka – hospitality or a 'warming of the heart'. 

Kōpinga, meaning 'a grove of Kōpi trees', is currently the only Moriori marae to exist and is a tribute to the legacy of peace our karāpuna (ancestors) created. 

Our Moriori creation story teaches that Rangi and Papatuanuk' (heaven and earth) were bound together until a wairu (spirit), Rangitokona, rose up and separated the two by placing ten pillars one on top of each other, propping up the heavens and creating a space into which the world of light and knowledge could flow.

At Kōpinga, a central pou, Rangitokona, holds up a central whare called Hokomentai (meaning 'to gather together in peace'), and has engraved upon its five sides the names of the Moriori alive in 1835 at the time of the Māori invasion and listed in the 1862 petition to the Crown.

The Kōpinga building has a pentagonal design, which is inspired by the five-sided basalt columns on Rēkohu, where Moriori used to make their adzes and other tools. When viewed from above, the building looks like a large hopo (albatross) in flight, which is culturally significant to the Moriori as both a source of food and spiritual inspiration. Moriori used to wear the hopo feathers in their hair and beards as symbols of peace, and they also made stone patu in the shape of young hopo.


The marae can sleep up to 85 people comfortably, though we recommend 60 as an upper limit for school groups. Mattresses, sheets, pillowcases and towels are supplied along with some duvets and blankets, but we advise bringing your own sleeping bag and towels if you are part of a larger group.

We have well-appointed bathrooms, laundry facilities and a commercial sized kitchen and dining area, as well as a wet-room for processing seafood.


Kōpinga is available to hire for meetings and events both large and more intimate, with catering available by request.

Kawa (protocols)

First time visitors to Kōpinga will be welcomed with a hokomaurahiri, which enables visitors to be greeted respectfully and become connected to the place. The ceremony will take place around the tūahu (sacred altar) at the base of Rangitokona. Moriori will speak first and welcome you, then offer an opportunity for you to reply. Women may speak and any language may be used. 

Outside footwear must be removed as you enter the marae.

Kōpinga has wheelchair access throughout, except for the wet room. 

The marae is centrally heated and is always warm, whatever the weather.

Cigarettes and electronic vapes are prohibited except in the designated smoking area.

Alcohol cannot be consumed on the Kōpinga grounds.